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You Should be the Hardest Worker in the Room

Why you should be the hardest worker in the room Listen, no one is going to do the work for you. Every day is a new day and trust me, it doesn’t always feel like it’s getting easier. In fact, some days it can feel like you’ve taken 3,000 steps backward and it’s harder than…

What Does Grind Mean in Life?

The word grind means a lot of things in our culture, but what does grind mean in life? It clicked for me finally what this word really means and how we can apply it to our lives. You hear entrepreneurs and athletes say it all the time – they’re in the grind. I’v even been…

75 Hard Challenge – Day 35

I’m about halfway through the 75 Hard Challenge, so I thought I’d share my progress and thoughts on the program so far. For those of you who haven’t heard about Andy Frisella’s 75 day plan for getting strong. I wrote a bit about the intensity of the program and an overview in a blog post…

Motivation Programming

What is the difference between a motivation program and motivation programming? As I dive deeper into the world of positive psychology, motivation, identity creation and the concepts that drive us as humans to achieve our ultimate goals, I have focused on a few terms at a time to break down and discover. Today, I simply…

Morning Affirmations to Change Your Day

I have a secret to share, the secret to claiming life’s gifts and achieving the rewards of each day… morning affirmations! I know I know, you’ve heard it before. You’ve tried them. You make an effort to get them done, but you can’t seem to stick to the routine or convince yourself they are true.…

Identity – Discovery, Decisions, Determination

When it comes to your identity, you’ve probably heard of “identity theft” or “identity crisis” and you may have felt scared or anxious when thinking about these topics. What most people are scared to lose, they rarely stop to think about how it’s created and protected. I’m not talking about identity theft protection or ensuring…

Seeking Authenticity

An original poem about authenticity. I love myself she said.All the eyes darted toward her.I’m unscripted she said. Her papers flew out in every direction.Stumbling through the room, gravity felt heavy. I need to get some air she said. Whispers filled the quietness like waves crashing on the shore.There’s nothing here for me she said.…

How Affirmations Work

It’s difficult to see the science behind how affirmations work when you’re just starting out. In fact, most people – myself included when I first began – find it silly to express themselves in this way and rarely catch on to the magic for a prolonged period of time. If you’re like me, when you…

Les Brown Speaks to Me: Finding Motivation

A wise friend has said to me multiple times he needs motivation every single day to get going. There is no day that doesn’t start with a routine that opens his mind to new ideas, inspires good ‘ole hard work, and encourages him to get moving. That sat with me. Then, I adopted that same…

Thoughts on Parenting from a Childfree Woman

I started blogging about being childfree in 2018. It was during that time that I was able to digest and reflect on all the reasons people have children or choose the other path in life. I explored all sorts of topics, and listened to a lot of stories. Ultimately, it led me to focusing in…

The Good and The Bad of 2020 Lessons Learned

Goodbye 2020, hello 2021 and a whole new chapter in my life. As I enter this new year with a whole heart full of gratitude and hope, I wanted to share a few of the things that made 2020 both challenging and rewarding for me. I also want to make a few things clear… I’m…

My Five Favorite Gift Ideas of 2020

We may be less than 15 days from the big day (Christmas), but there’s still time to find some perfect gifts. Or, save these in your browser for next year… Best Stocking Stuffers Modern, Non Damaging Pony Tail Holders Have you heard of the Pony-O? This little magical ring is so much more than a…

CBD Oil: Myths and Facts

I’m a CBD lover… I swear by it. Other people are not so convinced, but there is a real truth to the powers of CBD oil. Here are a few of the myths and facts behind the magic. Top 3 Myths About CBD 1. CBD Oil Doesn’t Work Before you go too far down this…

Finding Balance

Well hello last month of 2020…. we’ve been waiting for you! If it wasn’t bad enough that this year brought on a whole new level of public health fears and political anxiety, there was a lot of personal life struggles that came with it too. There are probably very few people that could say 2020…


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